BMW i Vision AMBY

The first high-speed pedelec for urbanists; BMW Group’s answer to the two-wheeled urban mobility of tomorrow. 🚴‍♀️

The upper frame tube, crafted from four sculptural aluminium profiles, represents an expressive and modern statement of intent. The space between the profiles also offers stowage room for a backpack or laptop bag and located just before the handlebars is the smartphone integration pad. The battery is positioned in the centre of the frame. Its 2,000 Wh enables a range of up to 300 km, depending on the riding mode, and can recharge in three hours. The drive system enables speeds of up to 25 km/h on cycle tracks, up to 45 km/h on city-centre roads and up to 60 km/h on multi-lane roads and outside urban areas.

A great project designed by @jean_thomas_mayer ✏️

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