Calling all Industrial Designers
@goldreedindustrialdesignaward is hosting the second year of its Goldreed Industrial Design Award, an award focused on the principles of facing the future, contributing oriental wisdom and spreading design values and spirits to create a better life for mankind.
The products featured in this post are a selection from winners of last years awards. Entry is open to anyone from enterprises and institutions, design agencies, colleges, students, design teams, scientific research institutions and individuals from any country and region in the world with a prize pool of $700,000.
Submissions will fall into one of two groups, 'Product Group' which focuses on products that have been on the market within two years (i.e. after March 1, 2019), Or 'Concept Group', original designs that are not sold or produced on the market that are innovative in function, structure, form, technology, materials and sustainability. There is no limit in the entry form. Products, software and comprehensive services are allowed to register.
Submissions close on the 30th of June, so get to it!
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