
Assistive key for the visually impaired. 🤳🏼

The Matrix5 is an assistive keypad designed for the visually impaired, offering multi-communications through sense-centered physical touch. Developed by Moadream, a leading engineering group for the visually impaired, this updated keypad prioritises functionality and user feedback, ensuring a highly effective and user-friendly experience.

Its curved outline ensures excellent palm grips, while thermal sensors on the left accommodate both thumbs. Triangular embossing adds tactile guidance, and a large touchpad in the middle offers a range of multi-functions. The Matrix5 serves various functions such as phone calls, mic input, speaker control, and volume adjustments, making it comparable to smartphones without visual displays. Its one-handed grip size and versatility make it an excellent replacement, particularly beneficial for individuals with visual impairments. 📵

Great work from design group @g11designgroup

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