The world's first modular gyroplane, developed for Trendak Aviation. 🚁

“The manufacturer described the concept of this model as a ‘motorbike that moves in three dimensions’, so we designed different versions of the cabin body to suit various usages. From a standard cabin to an "air motorbike", i.e. open structure with a front fairing to maximize the sport experiances, a half-built version for aerial photography and a fully enclosed cockpit suitable for harsher weather conditions, agricaltural spraying, firefighters and boarder guards. As the Twistair is an innovation in its class, we wanted to give a unique touch to its design. At the same time a dynamic, modern form fits seamlessly into current product line and its design cues.”

A @reddotaward_productdesign winning project form the team at @2sympleks ✏️

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